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I Put The Singggg in Single

LOL alright. Let's talk about being single and why this stage is so important.

Little backstory: I was in a three year relationship previously and I've been single since January 2020. Yes, I remember the month because ???? I just do ok.

So before I get started this is honestly me being genuine and to share my journey of being single to help those who might feel alone in their single season. I'm here to tell you that being single is great and amazing. Why and how....? Well... first thing first, I did not have a real relationship with the one and only Jesus Christ like I do now. Being single has taught me so much such as loving myself the way God loves me and I've learned it's better being single than living in sin. That results in.... never settling for less. God loves us all and He legit wants the BEST for us so why settle for less. Once you realize you are who God says you are, what the world says about you does not matter. I know it's easier said than done. Been there done that. It just came to a point where I hit rock bottom and knew I couldn't do this thing we call LIFE without God.

Psalm 119:9-10

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.

Why is having a relationship with God so important? Because getting to know God has led me to love myself and letting him fully work on me. That means He has taught me how to be patient, slow to anger and quick to love. To me these are all qualities I look in someone and I'm sure men look in women. TOXIC WHO? Uh uh. We aint doing toxic over here boo. LOL

In my previous relationship, I was young (I consider myself young still but I was young young) and I did not know God. I had a lot of flaws. I was quick to anger and that would never lead to anything besides an unnecessary argument. We are all human and we all have flaws. I'm just finally letting God work through me to help me with my flaws because He is perfect and He is the only one who can fulfill me. No one else can. Not a boy. Not anyone, not any other human being. Only God can. We all have holes we need to patch up and God is the only provider who can patch those holes up and cause no leakage. If you think someone is going to "fulfill" you, you are going to keep on leaking and leaking and leaking....

This generation is so stuck on defining what a real relationship looks like based off of social media but a real relationship is when God is in the center of it. I'm going to put it like dis: a relationship without God in the center will not work out. There will always be something.

The single season is so valuable. It's where you truly find yourself. Find yourself with Jesus. I encourage you to pray to Him. Open up His word and let him speak to you. Rather than focusing on a relationship with someone else, focus on Him. You are not alone and know that God loves you exactly the way you are. Flaws and all. I am not perfect. Ya girl still has manyyyyy things to work on! But I'm telling you if you're going to fully open your heart to someone, open your heart to Him and allow him to come into your life and you're going to see how quick He changes your perspective. God never fails. His promises remains the same. He is a faithful God.

Love you guys,


Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
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